Manish Upadhyay

Friday, 29 January 2016

-5 Resolutions of New Year 2016...

-5 Resolution of 2016 Year 30th Jan...We are in the Last Days of JAN-2016...You must have made lot of Resolutions.. Here I am sharing my experience..Happy Reading.. ---- While coming to Office, I saw a hoarding saying about IGNITE-2016 - A DJ Party in 3 Star hotel. The Advertisement was so appealing that I was sure that many will consume more pack...

Friday, 23 October 2015

तुम केवल एक अभिनेता हो....

तुम केवल एक अभिनेता हो।   Read an article in one of Osho's Magazine. Very Interesting  & True. ...

Monday, 21 September 2015

Chak De DAVID...

Chak De David....Tod De Bimari Ko..!! I always wonder to identify the Power of 'Human Belief'... Every time I read New True Stories....Every-time I got to know that.......  IF YOU THINK YOU CAN...YOU CAN. Read the True Incident of Mr. David Smith...and get Kickass Motivation. Salute You David Bhai. LIVE LIFE by YOUR OWN TERMS....

Monday, 17 August 2015

1st Meeting with Me..

Meeting with Me...                      ऑटो से उतरा  … और एक तार वाले कंपाउंड वॉल को क्रॉस करते हुए ,एक बढ़े से हॉल में प्रवेश किया।  हॉल में  प्रवेश करने के पहले, पीछे पलटकर अपनी वाइफ और उनके माता पिता को देखा ,जो मुझे उस जगह पर छोड़ने आये थे। माता-पिता दोनों एक सपोर्ट के भाव से मुझे विदा...

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Famous LOGO & Its Meaning.-By Gaurav Tidke

Great Gaurav..!!!! Nice Initiative. The LOGO means BRAND..and BRAND means YOUR UNIQUE IDENTITY. What is Your IDENTITY...??? Think & Grow Rich.!!!! Happy Thoughts. Manish Upadhyay.  ...

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Mai Kya Karoo..??

Mai Kya Karoon…Mai Kya Karoon…???? I was searching for the meaning of “Career” on Google and when I got the answer from Google Pudia (WikiPedia).I laughed for 10 mins at a stretch.They define “Career is an individual's journey through learning, work and other aspects of life”. But for an Indian it is not is moreover Family Centric : HUM SAATH SAATH...

Thursday, 21 May 2015

दिल तो रोमिंग है.... सुबह घर से ऑफिस के  लिए निकला। …पार्किंग  में अपनी बाइक निकालने  के लिए जब गया तो देखा मेरी बाइक के बाजु में  मेरी ड्रीम बाइक खड़ी थी। " रॉयल एनफील्ड "  जो की मै हरबार चाहता हु  की एक दिन मै उससे खरीदुंगा…२ मिनट के लिए मै चुप-चाप उससे देखता रहा और कुछ अपनी चाहत को अपने इतने  पास देखकर ख़ुशी हुई और थोड़ा...

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Executive Life Coach, Passionate Learner’s Trainer, Inspirational Speaker, Students Training Programs, Employed Training Programs, Other/Mixed Training, Nagpur